Welcome to Refuge Temple Bible Institute. We are a ministry of Refuge Temple Church- Burlington, NC and a satellite school of Church of Christ Bible Institute (COOLJC). Our primary objective is to provide biblical education to everyday people. We offer classes aimed at building life and ministry skills through the Bible. Our offering are a mixture of traditional classes, seminars, training courses, and correspondence classes.

Fall courses will begin on Monday October 7th. See our Fall 2024 flyer for class offerings. Registration begin on Thursday September 12th. Go to https://refugencbibleinstitute/registration to register for classes. For questions, email us at admin@refugencbible.org.

Learning Opportunites

In Person Classes

Regular classes run in the Fall and Spring semesters.

The class schedule is posted at least eight weeks before the start of the academic term.

Registration begins one week after the schedule is posted.

Registration ends one week after the academic term begins.

There is a $10 late registration fee charged after the second calendar date of the semester.

On Demand Classes

Internet classes are available on demand throughout the year.

Generally 2-4 classes will be offered in an academic calendar year.

Students are assigned a proctor and classes are delivered via Google Classroom.

Go to About our School for more information.

Training Seminars

We offer training seminars in the intra-semester periods.

Typical seminars are:

Ministerial Catechism Training

Practical Evangelism (joint with RTC Evangelism)

Missionary Training